Before you roll your eyes on the book title, know that this is NOT another vegan cookbook.
Hork and Markinson went around the world, collecting a hundred recipes (literally!) that are animal-product free, easy to make, and anything but pretentious.
Shortly put, if you ever wondered what vegans around the world eat to stay healthy, “Vegan Everything” is your answer.
This cookbook is full, or recipes that don’t contain any exotic ingredients and that take about five steps to make (the book consists of sections that include 20-minute meals, date night dinners, and dishes you can prepare when cooking for your loved ones).
What I love about “Vegan Everything” is that it is not intimidating 一 the authors use a variety of vegetables that are widely known and spread.
Natalie Hork and John Markison
The book is the perfect choice for vegan newbies and the experienced vegans that are looking for new recipes to try and make the cooking exciting. The recipes are made to impress but require such little effort.

If you are a vegan or know someone who is, this cookbook will be the perfect present and the addition to a vegan’s bookshelf. Making the recipes from this book is so quick (I tried making them and the result was phenomenal) that even the most stubborn carnivores will start thinking about Meatless Mondays.